Benefits of Alkaline Water


Alkaline water is a type of water that has an alkaline pH level. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, with 7 being neutral and above 7 being alkaline. Alkaline water is considered to be basic because it has a higher pH compared to other types of water like carbonated or distilled/filtered/mineralized waters. In order for your body to function properly, it needs minerals such as calcium and magnesium which dissolve easily in alkaline water compared to acidic ones which become harder to dissolve due to its high acidity levels

Better Hydration

  • You’ll be more hydrated. Alkaline water is absorbed faster than acidic water. This allows you to stay hydrated for longer periods of time, as your body can now take in more fluid without experiencing the negative effects of an upset stomach or diarrhea.

  • It’s easier to absorb calcium into your bloodstream. The pH level of alkaline water increases as it passes through cells in the body, which means that it has a higher concentration of minerals such as calcium and magnesium than acidic water does; this means that these nutrients are more easily available for absorption by muscles, bones and other tissues throughout your body (source).

Alkaline Water Neutralizes Acid in Your Body

Alkaline water is a type of ionized water. It has been ionized and therefore has a pH level of 9.5 or higher, which is known as alkaline. An alkaline solution will have a positive charge and negative charge at the same time, which makes it more acidic than regular tap water (which is neutral).

Clears Skin

Alkaline water is helpful for skin conditions such as acne, oily and dry skin, sensitive skin and aging. Alkaline water helps to balance the pH levels in your body which is essential to maintaining a healthy complexion.

People with sensitive or vulnerable skin often find that alkaline water has an effect on their condition – it helps them feel more confident and relaxed when drinking it because of its improved tone of their skin.

Improves Bone Health

Alkaline water has been shown to help with bone density. As you age, your bones become more brittle and susceptible to injury. The alkaline water helps the body absorb calcium and other minerals that are essential for healthy bones.

Alkaline water reduces the risk of osteoporosis because it improves your body’s ability to absorb minerals from food sources as well as from supplements like calcium carbonate supplements or berry juice (which are high in malic acid). These diets can also be useful if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or simply want to prevent future problems.*

Helps with Weight Loss

Alkaline water is known to help you lose weight. It can help you reduce cravings and bloating, which is great news if you’re trying to drop a few pounds. In addition to this, alkaline water has been shown to reduce inflammation and water retention, making it an excellent choice for people who are looking for ways on how they can improve their health.

Furthermore, the alkaline compounds found in the body allow for better absorption of nutrients from food sources such as fruits and other vegetables that contain vitamin C or E–but only if they have been properly filtered through an entire spectrum of pH levels before being consumed by humans!

Boosts Immune System

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that protects the body from foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses. The immune system can be described as an army of cells working together to defend your body against threats. In short: it’s like having a giant army around at all times!

The human immune system consists of many different types of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect our bodies from harmful substances like bacteria or viruses. There are two main divisions within this system – one being your white blood cells (also known as leukocytes) which include macrophages; these are large roundish structures that are responsible for engulfing pathogens before they reach other parts of your body (like yourself). Another important part involves antibodies produced by B-lymphocytes which bind onto antigens (foreign protein molecules). This process leads up eventually into something called immunoglobulins A & G which help fight off infection by destroying them so they can’t cause harm anymore!”

The benefits of drinking alkaline water are greater than we think.

  • Alkaline water is a great way to detox your body.

  • Drinking alkaline water can help you lose weight, because it helps flush out toxins and waste in the body.

  • It’s also been proven to help with disease prevention and fight off infection, especially when combined with regular exercise or diet changes.

  • Do you want to feel energized? Drinking alkaline water will do that for you! It’s been shown to increase metabolism by 3-5%, which means that more energy goes towards burning calories instead of being stored as fat (or worse yet—stored as sugar!)


The benefits of drinking alkaline water are greater than we think. The reason why alkaline water is so beneficial to our body is because it helps to neutralize the acidity in your body, which will help you maintain a healthy pH level and thus reduce problems such a